What’s inside
Psychiatric Assessment
Full Name: Anthony O’Brien
Date of Birth/Time: 2.12.2064 / 3.27pm
Star sign: Sagittarius
Appearance and behaviour: Initially extremely uncooperative, monosyllabic replies. Verbally aggressive. Good eye contact although “stared on occasions.” Difficult to establish a
rapport. Sportily dressed.
Affect: Labile—unstable—liable to undergone change. Irritable affect.
Mood: Subjectively he described being quite angry. Objectively rather difficult to assess due to his difficulty in establishing a rapport.
Speech: Speech pressured with raised volume and tone, sporadic in flow but no flight of ideas.
Thought: Denied paranoid ideation, but extremely violent reaction to discussion of sexuality, provoking vague and unsupported homicidal thoughts towards me, describing me as a ‘useless quack’. Denied ideas of self-harm. In spite of his reluctance to respond at times, there was no evidence of thought broadcasting, thought insertion or thought withdrawal thus exhibiting no formal thought disorder.
Perception: Very antagonistic but patient denies having any auditory or visual hallucinations.
Slightly grandiose way of thinking for an eighteen-year-old, ‘I can take care of it myself, don’t worry’ and ‘I’ll sort it.’ Extremely strong feelings of persecution, irritable and hostile. No psychotic features, denied perceptual abnormalities.
Sleep/Appetite: Unforthcoming.
Drug and Alcohol History: Unforthcoming, though evidenced below.
Physical examination: Refused fully naked examination but stripped to boxer shorts. Self-made tattoo of heart with arrow on left bicep. Pupils dilated but reactive to light. Urine drug screen positive for cocaine metabolites, several injection sites in both arms, new and old and on legs. Pulse 60 per minute regular, BP 100/70. Hepatitis B and C status negative.
Cognitive function: Alert and arousable. There was no planning consciousness and he appeared fully orientated but this was not set formally.
Insight: Didn’t feel he was suffering from any kind of mental condition and irritated by the suggestion, pacing up and down and wanted to ‘get out now’ unwilling to accept the idea that the room he wanted to leave might be in his head.
Psychiatric Assessment
Full Name: Anthony O’Brien
Date of Birth/Time: 2.12.2064 / 3.27pm
Star sign: Sagittarius
Appearance and behaviour: Initially extremely uncooperative, monosyllabic replies. Verbally aggressive. Good eye contact although “stared on occasions.” Difficult to establish a
rapport. Sportily dressed.
Affect: Labile—unstable—liable to undergone change. Irritable affect.
Mood: Subjectively he described being quite angry. Objectively rather difficult to assess due to his difficulty in establishing a rapport.
Speech: Speech pressured with raised volume and tone, sporadic in flow but no flight of ideas.
Thought: Denied paranoid ideation, but extremely violent reaction to discussion of sexuality, provoking vague and unsupported homicidal thoughts towards me, describing me as a ‘useless quack’. Denied ideas of self-harm. In spite of his reluctance to respond at times, there was no evidence of thought broadcasting, thought insertion or thought withdrawal thus exhibiting no formal thought disorder.
Perception: Very antagonistic but patient denies having any auditory or visual hallucinations.
Slightly grandiose way of thinking for an eighteen-year-old, ‘I can take care of it myself, don’t worry’ and ‘I’ll sort it.’ Extremely strong feelings of persecution, irritable and hostile. No psychotic features, denied perceptual abnormalities.
Sleep/Appetite: Unforthcoming.
Drug and Alcohol History: Unforthcoming, though evidenced below.
Physical examination: Refused fully naked examination but stripped to boxer shorts. Self-made tattoo of heart with arrow on left bicep. Pupils dilated but reactive to light. Urine drug screen positive for cocaine metabolites, several injection sites in both arms, new and old and on legs. Pulse 60 per minute regular, BP 100/70. Hepatitis B and C status negative.
Cognitive function: Alert and arousable. There was no planning consciousness and he appeared fully orientated but this was not set formally.
Insight: Didn’t feel he was suffering from any kind of mental condition and irritated by the suggestion, pacing up and down and wanted to ‘get out now’ unwilling to accept the idea that the room he wanted to leave might be in his head.
Tony likes drugs, who doesn’t. Listens to gangster rap, likewise. Everyone’s on the make; dog eat dog; survival of the fittest; act before you’re acted upon and ask questions later. There’s only one person who counts: Tony. And if you don’t like that, you’ve got a problem. If he wins the TV show, he wants a Ferrari, ‘to give my dad a lift’ and an ‘AM/FMd’; A Mobile/ For My Dad, ‘so my dad can call me whenever he wants’.
Odin is a retarded convicted paedophile. He is very excited about being Tony’s counsellor because he is such a ‘beautiful sexy boy’. If he wins, he wants some pills to take Tony on a ‘special’ date.
But who will win? And is the prize worth the effort for one, and the forfeit for the other?
‘What’s Your Problem? A Game of Truth‘ includes:
Book 1: Katy’s Loss
Book 2: Tony’s Cross
Book 3: Matt’s Shadow
Plus Special Bonus Chapter (Secret Code)
Only Available in Omnibus Edition

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